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Human Workplace Index – The Future of Employee Benefits

Sarah Bloznalis
Publication date:
November 4, 2021
Article Summary: 

The Workhuman® Human Workplace Index monthly survey of 1,000 full-time U.S. workers found that 66% of respondents are waiting to review their company’s new benefits offering before making a decision about staying at or leaving their job. Salary and health insurance were the most important factors to employees. The survey also found that 71% of respondents reported staying at their current job because of benefits, but only 42% were "very satisfied" with their current benefits package. Employers should reassess their employee benefits to ensure they work for everyone. Mental health benefits are increasingly important to employees, as 73% of employees surveyed believe the importance of mental health benefits has changed since the pandemic started. Only 57% of respondents feel "very valued" by their employer, and employers should prioritize family coverage, premium health insurance, and mental health offerings to show employees how much they value them.


employee benefits, salary, health insurance, mental health, employee retention, and employer valuation.

Source Citation: 
Sarah Bloznalis
Human Workplace Index – The Future of Employee Benefits
November 4, 2021
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