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How to Monitor Daily Progress as a Project Manager

Jennifer Bridges
Publication date:
June 10, 2019
Article Summary: 

How to Monitor Daily Progress as a Project Manager

Jennifer suggested a three-step course of action to monitor daily progress as a project manager: set intervals, collect data, and measure progress. Intervals should be set at a time that works best for the project, while data should be accurate and current. Measure progress in terms of time, cost, scope, resources, and people, tools and materials used in the project.
Today, we are discussing how to monitor daily progress as a project manager. There are many methods to get good data, from software tools to more visual means, such as maps, monitors, tractors, scales, etc. It is important to evaluate and adjust data to determine where you are in the project and adjust, renegotiate or rebaseline to get yourself where you want to be. When we talk about progress, we are looking at different time intervals, such as what did we do yesterday? What are we doing today?

Like right now? And then sometimes we're concerned about tomorrow, we want to know about future projections.


project management, project planning, project management software, projects, project manager resume, project manager jobs, managing projects, PMP certification, monitoring progress

Source Citation: 
Jennifer Bridges
How to Monitor Daily Progress as a Project Manager
June 10, 2019
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