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How To Make Condo Boards Successful: The Ultimate Checklist

Pat Crosscombe
Publication date:
November 24, 2022
Article Summary: 

In this article, the author, Pat Crosscombe, provides a checklist of best practices for condo boards to be successful. The suggestions include introducing sound policies, aiming for a balance of director expertise, adding officers to bring in needed skill sets, creating committees, having written job descriptions for director positions, not leaving positions vacant, making documents available before being asked, keeping corporate records organized and accessible, practicing consistent and reasonable rule enforcement, and committing to proactive maintenance. The author suggests that condo boards should strive for balance, proactivity, and transparency.


Condo boards, success, checklist, policies, expertise, officers, committees, job descriptions, vacancies, transparency, corporate records, rule enforcement, proactive maintenance, balance, proactivity, transparency.

Source Citation: 
Pat Crosscombe
How To Make Condo Boards Successful: The Ultimate Checklist
November 24, 2022
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