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How to Increase Community Engagement: Creative Ideas for HOA Boards

Abigail Guevara
Publication date:
February 8, 2024
Article Summary: 

Abigail Guevara's guide offers 12 creative strategies for HOA boards to boost community engagement. These strategies include promoting regular communication through various channels, showing appreciation for homeowners, ensuring board member attendance at community events, hosting movie nights, organizing diverse community events, streamlining decision-making processes, recognizing community volunteers, modernizing community connection through technology, sustaining engagement efforts, prioritizing face-to-face conversations, organizing pet-friendly gatherings, and hosting sports tournaments. By implementing these ideas, HOA boards can foster a vibrant and connected neighborhood where residents actively participate and contribute.


"HOA, community engagement, homeowners association, communication, appreciation, board members, community events, movie nights, decision-making processes, volunteers, technology, face-to-face conversations, pet-friendly gatherings, sports tournaments.

Source Citation: 
Abigail Guevara
How to Increase Community Engagement: Creative Ideas for HOA Boards
February 8, 2024
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