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How to Fix a Leaky Skylight Window

Ezra Vogel
Publication date:
June 30, 2021
Article Summary: 

This article provides tips on how to fix a leaky skylight window. The first step is to check whether the window is closed. If it is, the next step is to check the seal for any damage or weak points. If the seal is fine, the article recommends checking for cracks on the glass. If none of these issues are the cause of the leak, then a replacement skylight may be necessary. The article suggests contacting skylight experts at Aluplex for a professional diagnosis and repair solution. The article also mentions that skylight glass and sealing strips can often be replaced without having to reinstall the entire skylight.


skylight, leaky window, repair, seal, cracks, replacement, Aluplex.

Source Citation: 
Ezra Vogel
How to Fix a Leaky Skylight Window
June 30, 2021
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