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How To Deal with Micromanagers

Jennifer Bridges
Publication date:
October 21, 2019
Article Summary: 

How To Deal with Micromanagers

The most important details in this text are the two professional ways to deal with someone who micromanages you: confront the individual and adjust your work style. Jennifer explains that micromanagement can come from a variety of sources, such as CEOs being worried about competitive threats, investors wanting a return on their investment, project managers seeking a successful project, team leaders wanting to encourage team success, and peers waiting for others to finish. To address the person who is micromanaging, it is important to provide awareness and ask questions to help understand where they're coming from. Communication is also key to helping understand their work style, such as the frequency of reports or status updates and the method they prefer to receive them.
Today's whiteboard session discusses how to deal with micromanagers, which can be a CEO, stakeholder, investor, project manager, team leader, or peer. Red flags to look out for include arrogance, not delegating, feeling stressed out, and having contingencies on your work. It is important to adjust your workstyle to reflect what they want and when they want it, which should lessen their interruptions in your workday.


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Source Citation: 
Jennifer Bridges
How To Deal with Micromanagers
October 21, 2019
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