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How To Buy Real Estate In Canada As An American? (Guide)

Jordon Scrinko
Publication date:
April 30, 2022
Article Summary: 

The blog "How to Buy Real Estate in Canada as an American" provides a guide for US citizens who want to purchase property in Canada. It covers topics such as financing options, the role of a real estate agent and lawyer, taxes, and the differences between the Canadian and US real estate markets. The blog also provides an overview of the Canadian government's rules and regulations for foreign buyers, as well as the steps involved in closing the deal. Overall, it aims to help American buyers make informed decisions when investing in Canadian real estate.


real estate, Canada, American buyers, financing, taxes, foreign buyers, regulations, closing.

Source Citation: 
Jordon Scrinko
How To Buy Real Estate In Canada As An American? (Guide)
April 30, 2022
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