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How To Banish Reappearing Carpet Stains

Rainbow International of Mississauga & Halton
Publication date:
October 8, 2019
Article Summary: 

This blog post provides tips and solutions for removing and preventing reappearing carpet stains. The post explains that reappearing stains are often caused by residue left behind after cleaning or by the stain wicking up from the carpet padding. The post suggests several methods for removing the stain, such as using a carpet cleaner, blotting with a clean cloth, and avoiding rubbing the stain. It also recommends addressing the root cause of the stain, such as a spill or pet accident, to prevent future reoccurrence. Additionally, the post suggests using a carpet protector to prevent future stains and maintaining regular carpet cleaning and maintenance to keep carpets looking and smelling fresh.


carpet stains, reappearing, residue, wicking, resurfacing, cleaning method, vinegar, water, baking soda paste, blotting, carpet cleaning machine, spills, leaks, high traffic areas, professional carpet cleaning.

Source Citation: 
Rainbow International of Mississauga & Halton
How To Banish Reappearing Carpet Stains
October 8, 2019
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