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How Do You Support Diversity in Your Condo Community

Tammy Stapleton, RCM
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Article Summary: 

The article by Tammy Stapleton, RCM, highlights the importance of supporting diversity in condo communities and maintaining an open perspective when encountering unfamiliar cultural practices. The story recounts an incident where a new resident placed glasses of milk outside their unit door, puzzling the property management team. Eventually, they learned that it was a cultural ritual to bless the home and welcome guests. The incident served as a reminder to approach the unknown with an open mind and to be respectful of the diverse practices within a multicultural community.


Tammy Stapleton, RCM, diversity, condo community, cultural practices, open perspective, multicultural, property management, cultural ritual, welcoming guests, open mind.

Source Citation: 
Tammy Stapleton, RCM
How Do You Support Diversity in Your Condo Community
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