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Harassment and Workplace Violence – Do you need a plan?

Publication date:
July 21, 2022
Article Summary: 

In addition to complying with the Condominium Property Act and privacy legislation, Alberta condominiums should also consider employment law, especially if they employ staff members, even on a part-time basis. One important aspect is the obligation of employers to protect the health and safety of their employees. This includes implementing harassment prevention and violence prevention plans, which must include policies and procedures. The plans must be in writing, readily available, and regularly reviewed. Condominiums that have individuals providing services that fit the definition of workers under the legislation may need to develop and implement these plans to comply with the law.


Employment law, Alberta condominiums, workplace safety, harassment prevention plan, violence prevention plan, policies, procedures, Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), Employment Standards Code, workplace violence, workplace harassment, worker definition, condominium corporation.

Source Citation: 
Harassment and Workplace Violence – Do you need a plan?
July 21, 2022
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