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Glasslake sails west: Supporting Western Canada’s non-bank mortgage sector

Glasslake Funding
Publication date:
July 18, 2023
Article Summary: 

Glasslake Funding, a leading player in small commercial lending, is expanding its operations from Ontario to Western Canada, starting with Alberta and British Columbia. The company aims to support the non-bank mortgage sector, particularly small commercial businesses, and provide funding to credit-worthy borrowers, including self-employed and seasoned investors. Glasslake focuses on small commercial lending and sees untapped potential in this market segment, with lending thresholds ranging from $200,000 to $3 million. The expansion into Western Canada aims to empower brokers with inclusive and sustainable non-bank funding options, filling a market void and fostering a win-win situation for brokers, clients, and the company. Glasslake emphasizes a human-centered approach to underwriting and is dedicated to providing accessible financial services to small commercial borrowers.


Glasslake Funding, small commercial lending, non-bank mortgage sector, Western Canada, Alberta, British Columbia, brokers, self-employed borrowers, seasoned investors, small commercial businesses, sustainable funding, underwriting approach, inclusive financial services.

Source Citation: 
Glasslake Funding
Glasslake sails west: Supporting Western Canada’s non-bank mortgage sector
July 18, 2023
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