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Gender Inclusivity

James Davidson
Publication date:
August 2, 2019
Article Summary: 

This blog discusses the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal's decision on gender inclusivity in the case of Andrews v. Great Gulf. The tribunal stated that the condominium corporation might have an obligation to provide for gender inclusivity despite the original construction. The tribunal suggested that there could be possible ways to accommodate the needs of residents who do not identify with binary genders, such as through alternating use of spaces or designating certain spaces as gender-inclusive. However, each situation would have to be considered on its own facts, taking into account relevant considerations of undue hardship


Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, gender expression, gender-inclusive, condominium resident, condominium corporation, building construction, binary genders, undue hardship.

Source Citation: 
James Davidson
Gender Inclusivity
August 2, 2019
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