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Future of Working from Home … And Impact on High-Rise Communities

Toronto Condo News
Publication date:
October 24, 2020
Article Summary: 

The blog "Future of Working from Home and Impact on High-Rise Communities" discusses the impact of remote work on high-rise communities and explores how condo buildings can adapt to accommodate changing work trends. The article discusses the benefits and challenges of working from home and how it may affect the demand for urban living spaces. The blog suggests that condo buildings may need to adapt their amenities and common areas to better serve the needs of remote workers, such as providing coworking spaces or upgrading building technology to support telecommuting. Additionally, the article encourages condo boards and property managers to engage with residents to understand their needs and preferences as the future of work continues to evolve.


Working from Home, High-Rise Communities, Condo Buildings, Remote Work, Urban Living, Amenities, Common Areas, Coworking Spaces, Building Technology, Telecommuting, Condo Boards, Property Managers, Future of Work.

Source Citation: 
Toronto Condo News
Future of Working from Home … And Impact on High-Rise Communities
October 24, 2020
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