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Frequently Asked Questions About Mold Removal

Icon Restoration Services Inc
Publication date:
August 24, 2021
Article Summary: 

This article is a FAQ guide about mold removal. It covers various topics related to mold, such as what mold is, what causes mold to form and spread, the health risks associated with mold, and the mold removal process. It also answers questions about whether bleach is effective for removing mold, whether mold testing is necessary, and how to prevent mold from recurring. The article emphasizes the importance of seeking professional help for larger mold colonies and serious mold problems. Additionally, it provides information on the risks of painting over mold and the importance of addressing the underlying issues causing mold growth.


mold removal, mold remediation, health risks, spores, HEPA filter, DIY, professional help, painting over mold.

Source Citation: 
Icon Restoration Services Inc
Frequently Asked Questions About Mold Removal
August 24, 2021
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