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Florida Condo Association Under Fire for Banning Bible Studies on Common Elements

Denise Lash
Publication date:
April 4, 2018
Article Summary: 

A Florida condo owner filed a complaint with the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, claiming that her condo association discriminated against her on religious grounds by banning Bible studies and other religious activities from being conducted on common elements. The condo association passed a resolution that prohibited “prayers and other religious services, observations or meetings” from occurring on common elements. Property Management sent letters to the owner and other residents ordering them to remove crosses from doors and removed a decorative angel fountain and a statue of St. Francis of Assisi from the condominium courtyard. The complaint alleged that the condo association resolution was discriminatory as other residents were allowed to use common facilities for secular purposes.


Florida Condo Association, Bible studies, discrimination, common elements.

Source Citation: 
Denise Lash
Florida Condo Association Under Fire for Banning Bible Studies on Common Elements
April 4, 2018
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