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First-Time Home Buyer Tax Free Savings Accounts

Reilly Beesley
Publication date:
June 6, 2022
Article Summary: 

The article discusses the First-Time Home Buyer Savings Account (FHSA) program in Canada, which allows eligible individuals to save up to $25,000 towards their first home purchase tax-free. The author provides an overview of the program, including who is eligible, how much can be contributed, and the tax benefits. They also discuss the potential advantages of using an FHSA, such as the ability to earn interest on the savings and the flexibility to use the funds for a down payment or other home-related expenses. Finally, the article explores some of the limitations and considerations of the program, such as the fact that contributions cannot be withdrawn for non-home-related expenses without penalty.


First-Time Home Buyer Savings Account, FHSA, Canada, tax-free savings, eligibility, tax benefits, down payment, home-related expenses, limitations.

Source Citation: 
Reilly Beesley
First-Time Home Buyer Tax Free Savings Accounts
June 6, 2022
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