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Publication date:
November 21, 2022
Article Summary: 

The blog titled "Condominium Act, 1998 - Regulation 48/01" provides an overview of the regulation in Ontario, Canada, which outlines the requirements for disclosure statements provided by condominium developers to prospective buyers. The regulation requires developers to provide disclosure statements that include information on the financial status of the corporation, common expenses, rules and regulations, and other important information.

The blog provides a summary of the key requirements outlined in the regulation, including the content and timing of disclosure statements, the penalties for non-compliance, and the obligations of developers to update disclosure statements as necessary. The blog also highlights the importance of reviewing disclosure statements carefully before purchasing a condominium to ensure that buyers have a clear understanding of the financial and operational aspects of the property.


Condominium Act, 1998, Regulation 48/01, Ontario, Canada, disclosure statements, condominium developers, prospective buyers, financial status, common expenses, rules and regulations, content, timing, penalties, non-compliance, obligations, update, property.

Source Citation: 
November 21, 2022
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