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False Fire Alarms

Toronto Condo News
Publication date:
November 25, 2019
Article Summary: 

The article discusses false fire alarms and their implications in high-rise communities. False alarms can be caused by equipment malfunction, lack of maintenance, renovation dust, or intentional misuse of the fire alarm system. They can lead to complacency among residents and may result in the fire department charging a user fee for responding to false alarms. The City of Toronto provides a reimbursement program for property owners who incur expenses to correct a problem subsequent to a nuisance or malicious false alarm. It is important to have a Fire Safety Plan in place and provide regular training and communication to residents to minimize false alarms and ensure their safety in the event of a real emergency. The article emphasizes the importance of taking action when a false fire alarm occurs and resolving any underlying problems to prevent future false alarms.


false fire alarms, high-rise communities, equipment malfunction, lack of maintenance, Fire Safety Plan, user fee, reimbursement program, training, communication, safety.

Source Citation: 
Toronto Condo News
False Fire Alarms
November 25, 2019
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