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Expanding the Condominium Authority Tribunal’s Jurisdiction to Include Nuisance-Related Disputes

Publication date:
September 23, 2021
Article Summary: 

The Condominium Authority Tribunal (CAT) in Ontario will have its jurisdiction expanded to include disputes related to nuisances, annoyances or disruptions caused by activities or conditions within a condo corporation. These amendments to the Condominium Act, 1998 will take effect on January 1, 2022, and will prohibit individuals from causing activities or conditions that are likely to cause damage to condo property or harm to individuals. A list of prescribed nuisances, annoyances, and disruptions has also been established, including odours, smoke, and vibration. The CAT will have the power to address disputes related to these issues and to provisions in a condo corporation's governing documents that prohibit or restrict activities that fall under the aforementioned categories. The ministry plans to expand the CAT's jurisdiction further in the future, and public consultations will be held on this matter.


Condominium Authority Tribunal, CAT, Ontario, jurisdiction, disputes, nuisances, annoyances, disruptions, activities, conditions, Condominium Act, 1998, condo property, harm, individuals, prescribed nuisances, odours, smoke, vibration, governing documents, public consultations.

Source Citation: 
Expanding the Condominium Authority Tribunal’s Jurisdiction to Include Nuisance-Related Disputes
September 23, 2021
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