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Enhance Your Landscape This Fall With 8 Outdoor Projects

Marianne Lipanovich
Publication date:
September 25, 2022
Article Summary: 

Enhance Your Landscape This Fall With 8 Outdoor Projects

Fall days are still long and bright enough to make being outside pleasant but cooler than the summer heat, so the idea of taking on a landscape project is appealing. To take advantage of fall days and get a jump on gearing up for winter or spring projects, think about what you loved about your landscape over the past few months and what could be a good idea to tackle before winter closes in. Here are eight ideas that can give you a head start. Check with local pros about availability and timelines, and check local regulations and requirements for required permits. Light Things UpFewer daylight hours mean you, your family and your guests may be coming and going in the dark, so it is a good time to make any outdoor lighting upgrades needed to ensure your walkways and entryways will be safely lit during the winter months.

Places to check include paths, especially those leading to the front door, along steps and stairs, on decks and patios, and around any entries. If your safety lighting is up to par, look for other ways lighting can brighten a winter garden. Landscape lighting, especially lights that are on throughout the night, can adversely affect nocturnal animals and migratory birds. To prevent this, it is important to use recommended fixtures for wildlife friendliness and carefully design your lighting scheme. Firewood storage should be readily accessible, dry and protected from the weather by adding a storage shed or alcove designed for that purpose.

It is also important to provide plenty of air circulation around and under the wood to keep out moisture and prevent mold, and to keep the stack no more than 4


landscaping ideas for fall, landscaping ideas in fall, landscaping projects for fall, landscaping in fall, fall landscaping projects

Source Citation: 
Marianne Lipanovich
Enhance Your Landscape This Fall With 8 Outdoor Projects
September 25, 2022
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