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Electricity Providers’ Requirement for a Security Deposit

Daniel Brockenshire
Publication date:
March 2, 2023
Article Summary: 

This article discusses the requirement of electricity security deposits by electricity distributors in Ontario for residential customers, including condominiums. It highlights the provisions of the Ontario Energy Board Distribution System Code (OEB Code) that govern the conditions under which a security deposit can be required. The article explains that new residential condominiums are generally deemed to have a "good payment history," which means they may not always be required to provide a security deposit. It also emphasizes the importance of reviewing the electricity distributor's Conditions of Service to ensure compliance with the OEB Code.


Electricity Providers, Security Deposit, Ontario Energy Board Distribution System Code, Residential Customers, Condominiums, Good Payment History, OEB Code, Billing Cycle Factor, Equal Installments, Consumer Complaint Response Process, Conditions of Service, Payment Default.

Source Citation: 
Daniel Brockenshire
Electricity Providers’ Requirement for a Security Deposit
March 2, 2023
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