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Do You Have a Transitional General Licence?

Janice Schenk
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Article Summary: 

Janice Schenk's article discusses the requirements for individuals with a Transitional General Licence (TGL) to complete their educational requirements and obtain a General Licence in condominium management before June 30, 2021. The article outlines two main options for fulfilling these requirements: completing ACMO courses or taking challenge exams. The ACMO courses can be taken in-person at various colleges or online through Ontario Learn. The article advises enrolling in courses early due to limited class sizes. Alternatively, those with at least five years of experience as a condominium manager before November 1, 2017, can opt for challenge exams. The application process for challenge exams is described, along with the need for confirming experience through company managers or condominium board members. The process of taking challenge exams and the required passing grade of 75% is explained.


Janice Schenk, Transitional General Licence, TGL, General Licence, condominium management, educational requirements, ACMO courses, challenge exams, experience confirmation, enrolment, deadlines, passing grade, condominium manager, Ontario Learn, course manual, exam preparation.

Source Citation: 
Janice Schenk
Do You Have a Transitional General Licence?
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