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Delegation of Condo Act Forms to the CAO Confirmed!
Mohiminol Khandaker
Publication date:
December 6, 2019
Article Summary:
The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services confirmed the delegation of 17 forms under the Condominium Act, 1998 to the Condominium Authority of Ontario (CAO) from January 1, 2020, and two more forms from July 1, 2020, as a part of its initiative to improve condominium living and protect the financial investments of condominium residents. This delegation is expected to simplify access and usage of these forms while transferring administrative costs from the government to CAO. The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services is also expected to undertake public consultations on a variety of matters in 2020, including procurement guidelines for condominium corporations and arbitration processes between condominium corporations and owners.
Ministry of Government and Consumer Services, delegation, 17 forms, Condominium Act, 1998, Condominium Authority of Ontario (CAO), simplify access, administrative costs, condominium living, financial investments, public consultations, procurement guidelines, arbitration processes, condominium corporations, owners.
Source Citation:
Mohiminol Khandaker
Delegation of Condo Act Forms to the CAO Confirmed!
December 6, 2019
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