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Delegation Of Condo Act Forms May Bring Improvement Soon

Chris Jaglowitz
Publication date:
September 30, 2019
Article Summary: 

The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services is proposing that the Condominium Authority of Ontario (CAO) take on the administration and revision of certain Condo Act forms, including the all-important status certificate and notice of future funding of the reserve fund. If the proposal is approved, these forms would come under CAO control in July 2020. Ontario Bar Association strongly supports the proposal, saying it would strengthen CAO's role in the condominium community, and transfer administrative costs and resources from the Ministry to the CAO. The Ontario Condo Law Blog suggests that CAO's expertise and public registry would make it a good choice to administer the forms, and recommends that a committee be created to compile feedback on the forms.


Condo Act, Condominium Authority of Ontario, Ministry of Government and Consumer Services, status certificate, reserve fund, Ontario Bar Association, administration, revision, condominium community, forms.

Source Citation: 
Chris Jaglowitz
Delegation Of Condo Act Forms May Bring Improvement Soon
September 30, 2019
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