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Dealing With Serial Litigants And More... - Decision From the Courts

By Megan Molloy And Ashley Winberg
Publication date:
January 1, 2023
Article Summary: 

The summary includes three different cases related to condominium disputes:

Leitch v. Niagara North Condominium Corporation No. 69, 2023 HRTO 11: The applicant, Ms. Leich, filed numerous applications against the condominium corporation and other individuals. The Ontario Human Rights Tribunal declared her a vexatious litigant and restricted her from filing further applications without permission.

Carleton Condominium Corp. No. 56 v. Chreim, 2022 ONSC 4654: The case involves a dispute between a condominium corporation and a unit owner over minor expenses. The court found that the corporation had not properly discharged a lien despite receiving full payment, leading to a significant legal battle and cost for both parties.

Gangoo and Giuntoli v. Toronto Standard Condominium Corporation No. 1737, 2023 ONSC 260: In this case, the condominium corporation acted unfairly towards candidates running for the board, rejecting their proxies and conducting improper questioning during the meeting.


Condominium disputes, vexatious litigant, lien, unit owner, board election, proxies, unfair treatment, Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, court rulings.

Source Citation: 
By Megan Molloy And Ashley Winberg
Dealing With Serial Litigants And More... - Decision From the Courts
January 1, 2023
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