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Creative Ways To Save For Your Down Payment

Robert Van Rhijn
Publication date:
June 4, 2022
Article Summary: 

This blog provides creative ways to save for a down payment when purchasing a home. The author suggests several strategies, such as setting up a dedicated savings account, reducing expenses, earning extra income through a side job or freelance work, and using windfalls or bonuses. The blog also discusses the benefits of automated savings and the importance of tracking expenses to identify areas for cost savings. The author emphasizes that saving for a down payment requires discipline and planning but can ultimately help individuals achieve their dream of homeownership.


down payment, home purchase, savings account, reducing expenses, extra income, side job, freelance work, windfalls, bonuses, automated savings, tracking expenses, cost savings, discipline, planning, homeownership.

Source Citation: 
Robert Van Rhijn
Creative Ways To Save For Your Down Payment
June 4, 2022
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