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COVID-19 and Exercise Rooms

Publication date:
November 12, 2020
Article Summary: 

The article discusses the legal risks and safety concerns associated with reopening exercise rooms in condominiums during the COVID-19 pandemic. It emphasizes that exercise rooms, due to the nature of physical activity and enclosed spaces, can facilitate the spread of the virus. Condominiums have a duty of care to ensure the reasonable safety of exercise room users and may face liability if a user contracts COVID-19 while using the facility.

To mitigate legal risks and protect residents, the article suggests implementing a "COVID-19 Exercise Room Waiver" prepared by a condominium solicitor. However, simply providing the waiver is not enough; the condominium must take reasonable steps to draw users' attention to the waiver's terms. Additionally, the article advises posting clearly visible signs in the exercise room, notifying users of the risks associated with COVID-19 transmission and any specific conditions that may increase those risks.

Furthermore, the article recommends creating and implementing "COVID-19 Exercise Room Rules," which include measures such as limiting the number of users, regular sanitization, and physical distancing. Condominiums should effectively communicate and enforce these rules, regularly assess their effectiveness, and redesign the exercise rooms to ensure adherence to safety guidelines.


COVID-19, Exercise Rooms, Condominiums, Legal Risks, Safety Measures, Liability, Waiver, Rules, Physical Distancing, Sanitization.

Source Citation: 
COVID-19 and Exercise Rooms
November 12, 2020
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