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COVID 19 and Condos - CCI National Webinar May 7, 2020

Publication date:
May 9, 2020
Article Summary: 

On May 7, 2020, CCI National hosted its first national webinar featuring speakers from various CCI chapters across Canada. The webinar addressed issues related to condos during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing insights and practical tips for owners, directors, property managers, and professionals. Topics covered included privacy and information collection, ministerial orders in Alberta, financing options, employee obligations, fire safety, restricting access, technology utilization, governance document changes, virtual meetings and electronic voting, cash flow considerations, lessons learned from the pandemic, contract handling, conflict resolution, landscaping, social distancing, and living in condos during COVID-19.


CCI National, webinar, COVID-19, May 7 2020, condos, pandemic, speakers, CCI chapters, privacy, information collection, Alberta ministerial order, financing options, employee obligations, fire safety, restricting access, technology utilization, governance documents, virtual meetings, electronic voting, cash flow, lessons learned, contract handling, conflict resolution, landscaping, social distancing, living in condos.

Source Citation: 
COVID 19 and Condos - CCI National Webinar May 7, 2020
May 9, 2020
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