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Condominium/Strata Corporation Insurance Q&A

Publication date:
May 10, 2021
Article Summary: 

The condominium and strata corporation insurance market has been facing challenges due to factors such as weather-related claims, record-low interest rates, capacity withdrawal in certain commercial product lines, and the COVID-19 pandemic. These issues have resulted in affordability and availability problems for commercial insurance, impacting condo and strata corporations. Several factors can affect the price of condo or strata insurance, including construction type, geographical location, claims history, occupancy status, and building size. To address these concerns, the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) has launched a Condominium/Strata Action Plan, which includes a dedicated Risk Manager, a National Task Force on Commercial Insurance, consumer education, and shared risk management information to assist in obtaining affordable insurance. Condo and strata corporations can contact IBC's Business Insurance Helpline for further assistance.


Condominium insurance, strata corporation insurance, commercial insurance market, challenges, weather-related claims, interest rates, capacity withdrawal, COVID-19 pandemic, insurance affordability, insurance availability, risk factors, construction type, geographical location, claims history, occupancy status, building size, Insurance Bureau of Canada, Condominium/Strata Action Plan, Risk Manager, National Task Force on Commercial Insurance, consumer education, insurance helpline.

Source Citation: 
Condominium/Strata Corporation Insurance Q&A
May 10, 2021
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