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Condo Sets Up Registry for Cannabis Users

Denise Lash
Publication date:
July 11, 2019
Article Summary: 

A Mississauga condominium corporation in Canada has enacted a new rule that requires residents who wish to smoke cannabis in their units to register with the corporation within 30 days of the effective date of the rule. The rule also states that only those who have registered will be allowed to smoke cannabis in their units. The registry does not infringe on the privacy of residents, as section 55 of the Condominium Act, 1998 protects information relating to specific units or owners. While the requirement for cannabis users to register with the corporation may be novel, some condominiums have required pet owners to register their pets. Condominium corporations can enact reasonable rules or amend the condominium declaration to create provisions that will regulate or restrict these activities on the condominium property. However, amending the declaration requires the written approval of the owners of at least eighty per cent of the units in the corporation.


Mississauga, Canada, condominium, rule, cannabis, registry, privacy, Condominium Act, 1998, pet owners, reasonable rules, amendment, written approval, eighty per cent.

Source Citation: 
Denise Lash
Condo Sets Up Registry for Cannabis Users
July 11, 2019
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