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Condo Dog Population Explodes

Toronto Condo News
Publication date:
October 26, 2018
Article Summary: 

The article discusses the rise in the number of dogs in condos, and how this trend can impact condo living. The article notes that while many condos have rules regarding pets, these rules can be difficult to enforce, and some condo owners are ignoring them. The article suggests that condo boards should review their pet policies and consider implementing stricter rules and enforcement measures. Additionally, the article recommends that condo owners should be responsible pet owners and ensure that their dogs do not become a nuisance to other residents. The article also discusses the benefits of having dogs in condos, such as increased socialization and exercise opportunities for both dogs and their owners.


condo living, dogs, pet policies, condo rules, condo boards, responsible pet ownership, nuisance, socialization, exercise.

Source Citation: 
Toronto Condo News
Condo Dog Population Explodes
October 26, 2018
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