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Condo Communities Unprepared for Cannabis Legislation

Toronto Condo News
Publication date:
January 25, 2019
Article Summary: 

In preparation for the legalization of cannabis in Canada, businesses and organizations have implemented policies to protect their operations, employees, and customers. However, many condo communities appear to be unprepared, with most opting for a "wait and see" approach rather than implementing regulations to restrict the use and growth of marijuana. Informal surveys suggest that a majority of condo owners want their boards to regulate marijuana use and growth. Condo corporations that fail to address the issue in their by-laws or declaration could face legal issues if residents cause problems or damage common areas due to smoking or growing cannabis.


cannabis legislation, condo communities, regulations, policies, legalization, smoking, growing, by-laws, declaration, legal issues.

Source Citation: 
Toronto Condo News
Condo Communities Unprepared for Cannabis Legislation
January 25, 2019
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