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Condo Board Elections and Voting

Denise Lash
Publication date:
April 1, 2020
Article Summary: 

The article argues for the abolition of proxy forms in condominium board elections in favor of electronic voting. It highlights the limitations and risks associated with proxy forms, such as opportunities for fraud, photocopies, and forged signatures. Proxy forms have been used historically for board elections, but the article suggests that they are outdated and prone to misuse. The introduction of electronic voting in 2017 was considered a positive change, allowing condo owners to vote directly from their electronic devices, increasing participation rates and empowering owners to vote for themselves. However, the legislation failed to address the use of proxies and introduced a three-page template for proxy forms, causing confusion and chaos. The article advocates for the complete elimination of proxy forms and the adoption of electronic voting, which offers accessibility and transparency, ultimately strengthening condo governance.


Condo Board Elections, Proxy Forms, Electronic Voting, Governance, Fraud, Accessibility, Condominium Act, Proxy Battles, Legitimacy, Participation Rates.

Source Citation: 
Denise Lash
Condo Board Elections and Voting
April 1, 2020
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