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Condo Authority Delivers on AG Recommendations

Condominium Authority of Ontario
Publication date:
November 30, 2022
Article Summary: 

The provided link leads to a news article on the Condo Authority of Ontario's website, highlighting their efforts to address recommendations from the Auditor General (AG). The article discusses how the Condo Authority has taken steps to implement changes and improvements based on the AG's recommendations, focusing on enhancing transparency, accountability, and governance within the condominium sector. It outlines specific actions taken by the Condo Authority, such as implementing new reporting requirements, providing additional support to condominium corporations, and improving access to information for condo owners. The article emphasizes the Condo Authority's commitment to fostering a fair and transparent condominium community in Ontario.


Condo Authority of Ontario, news, media, Auditor General, recommendations, transparency, accountability, governance, condominium sector, changes, improvements, reporting requirements, support, access to information, condo owners, fair, transparent, Ontario.

Source Citation: 
Condominium Authority of Ontario
Condo Authority Delivers on AG Recommendations
November 30, 2022
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