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Committee Work the Right Way

Dave Williams
Publication date:
June 22, 2023
Article Summary: 

The article discusses the benefits and considerations of establishing working committees in condominiums. It emphasizes the importance of involving volunteer members of the community in committee work, which can prepare them for future directorship roles. Committees are seen as a way to share the workload and provide expertise in specific areas, such as succession planning, communication, safety, gardening, and property management. The article suggests that committees should focus on research, data gathering, and providing recommendations to the board rather than being decision-makers. It also addresses insurance and legal considerations for committee members, recommending consultation with insurance providers and legal advisors. The article highlights the value of committees as an investment in the future, bringing in fresh perspectives and problem-solving ideas to meet the challenges of condominium governance.


Condominium Committees, Board of Directors, Volunteer Members, Succession Planning, Communication, Safety, Gardening, Property Managers, Insurance, Legal Considerations, Decision-Making, Expertise, Investment in the Future, Fresh Perspectives, Condominium Governance.

Source Citation: 
Dave Williams
Committee Work the Right Way
June 22, 2023
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