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Coming Soon? Virtual Meetings For Condominiums

Erin Berney
Publication date:
March 18, 2021
Article Summary: 

The author discusses Bill 53, which would amend the Condominium Property Act in Alberta to allow condominiums to hold general meetings electronically. The current Act and Regulations do not permit this, and the expiration of a Ministerial Order in August 2020 made it difficult for condominiums to hold their annual general meetings in person. However, the author is concerned that the draft wording of the Bill may unintentionally create new challenges for condominium corporations, such as the requirement to hybridize all general meetings, even if they are intended to be held in person. The author believes that the ability to attend or vote electronically should be conditional upon the corporation convening the meeting virtually rather than in person, and that the phrase "at a general meeting" should be removed from the Act to enable condominium corporations to hold electronic meetings without having to pass an ordinary resolution at a physical meeting. The author also discusses the potential implications of bylaws that are in "express conflict" with the provision for virtual meetings.


Bill 53, Condominium Property Act, electronic meetings, virtual meetings, Alberta, administrative burden, bylaws, hybrid meetings.

Source Citation: 
Erin Berney
Coming Soon? Virtual Meetings For Condominiums
March 18, 2021
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