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Canada’s Worst Condo Building

Toronto Condo News
Publication date:
June 24, 2021
Article Summary: 

The Prairie Heights Condo in Saskatoon's Pleasant Hill neighbourhood has been named Canada's worst condo community, with 410 police calls and 91 fire department visits in 2020. There were also two stabbings in one weekend. The previous condo board recorded 401 criminal incidents, including graffiti, vandalism, break-ins, and drug use. The majority of the units are rentals, and condo owners need to do a better job of finding suitable tenants and holding them accountable for damage. The condo corporation can make owners accountable for damage caused by tenants through measures such as security cameras and increasing condo fees.


Prairie Heights Condo, Saskatoon, Pleasant Hill neighbourhood, worst condo community, police calls, fire department visits, criminal incidents, rentals, tenants, damage, condo corporation, security cameras, condo fees

Source Citation: 
Toronto Condo News
Canada’s Worst Condo Building
June 24, 2021
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