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Canada’s housing affordability crisis: Industry experts clash on relief solutions

Jared Lindzon
Publication date:
July 21, 2023
Article Summary: 

The housing affordability crisis in Canada has led to a clash of opinions among industry experts on relief solutions. Mortgage Professionals Canada (MPC) suggests extending amortization periods to 30 years and increasing the home price cap for insured mortgages to ease short-term affordability challenges. However, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) president and CEO, Romy Bowers, disagrees, arguing that focusing on increasing the supply of homes is a more effective long-term solution. Dustan Woodhouse, president of Mortgage Architects, advocates for a maximum amortization period of up to 50 years for existing borrowers facing higher monthly payments to alleviate financial tension. The industry is seeking solutions to address the housing affordability challenges that Canadians are currently facing.


Canada, housing affordability crisis, homeownership, mortgage professionals, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), Mortgage Professionals Canada (MPC), amortization periods, home price cap, housing supply, financial relief, Dustan Woodhouse.

Source Citation: 
Jared Lindzon
Canada’s housing affordability crisis: Industry experts clash on relief solutions
July 21, 2023
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