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Call to Duty: Whose Duty Is It?
Publication date:
February 28, 2023
Article Summary:
"Call to Duty: Whose Duty Is It?" is a virtual event scheduled for February 28, 2023, aimed at addressing the responsibilities and decision-making process during emergency situations in condominiums. The event will feature an expert panel, including Sharon Cook, a retired professor and condo board president, Nancy Houle, a condominium law expert and founding partner of Davidson Houle Allen LLP, and Annette Fleury, a licensed condominium manager with extensive experience in property management. The panel will discuss key governing documents, such as bylaws and regulations, that guide actions during disasters and repairs. Participants will gain valuable insights and receive a checklist of important considerations for handling such events in condominiums.
Call to Duty, virtual event, condo governance, emergency action, repairs, key governing documents, expert panel, responsibilities, decision-making, disaster cleanup, condominiums, property management, bylaws, regulations.
Source Citation:
Call to Duty: Whose Duty Is It?
February 28, 2023
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