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Basement Flooding Problems

Everest Plumbing
Publication date:
July 15, 2020
Article Summary: 

Basement flooding is a common problem that can occur at any time of year, especially during rainy seasons and rapid snowmelts. Some of the most common causes of flooded basements include drainage tile or pipe failure, improperly installed or failed backwater valve, clogged sewer line, and sloping land around the home. To prevent basement flooding, it is essential to inspect sewer lines regularly, check for cracks or weak spots in the basement walls, and keep the foundation dry and water away. If the basement is flooding, the first step is to shut off power, gas, and the main water line, remove important things to a dry place, and call a professional plumber like Everest Drain & Plumbing for repairs. After fixing the issue, it is essential to clean up, sanitize, and deodorize the basement.


basement flooding, common causes, prevent, safety, professional plumber, Everest Drain & Plumbing

Source Citation: 
Everest Plumbing
Basement Flooding Problems
July 15, 2020
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