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Are You Facility Managers Locked Out of Strategic Planning? Here are Four Keys to Open the Door

Publication date:
January 5, 2022
Article Summary: 

The blog discusses the importance of involving facility managers in strategic planning to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of facility management. It highlights the traditional disconnect between facility management and strategic planning and identifies the reasons why facility managers are often left out of the strategic planning process. The post then provides four key strategies to help facility managers become more involved in strategic planning, such as building a collaborative relationship with the C-suite, developing a strategic plan that is aligned with the organization's mission and goals, creating a culture of data-driven decision making, and leveraging technology to improve communication and data analysis. The blog post concludes by emphasizing the importance of integrating facility management into strategic planning to ensure that facilities are managed in a way that supports the organization's mission and goals.


facility management, strategic planning, efficiency, effectiveness, collaboration, data-driven decision making, and technology.

Source Citation: 
Are You Facility Managers Locked Out of Strategic Planning? Here are Four Keys to Open the Door
January 5, 2022
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