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Are You Dealing with Owner Complaints Effectively?

Natalia Polis
Publication date:
Article Summary: 

Discusses effective ways for condominium managers to handle owner complaints. It highlights the importance of addressing owner complaints promptly and documenting them as part of the manager's responsibilities, as outlined in the management agreement. The author emphasizes the need to maintain good communication with owners and suggests including articles in newsletters that outline the manager's role and responsibilities, fostering a better understanding between the board, property manager, and owners. The article also advises managers on situations where boards might advise disregarding owner complaints contrary to the manager's obligations, suggesting legal counsel in such cases. The overarching message is to take all complaints seriously, communicate effectively with owners, and fulfill the manager's duties as per the management agreement


owner complaints, condominium managers, communication, management agreement, responsibilities.

Source Citation: 
Natalia Polis
Are You Dealing with Owner Complaints Effectively?
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