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Are older homes a catch?

Tolobi Rental Team
Publication date:
October 28, 2022
Article Summary: 

The article discusses the pros and cons of living in an older home. While older homes may have charm, character and unique features, they can also come with issues such as foundation problems, roof leaks, hazardous materials, outdated electrical and plumbing systems, and energy inefficiency. The article provides a checklist of things to watch out for during a property tour of an older home, such as cracks in the foundation, missing shingles on the roof, lead-based paint and asbestos, outdated electrical systems, and low water pressure. It also suggests checking the age and condition of appliances before signing a lease.


older homes, Toronto, charm, character, heritage, foundation, cracks, waterproofing, roof, shingles, leaks, hazardous materials, lead-based paint, asbestos, carbon monoxide, outdated, electricals, plumbing, galvanized pipes, polybutylene pipes, appliances, energy efficiency.

Source Citation: 
Tolobi Rental Team
Are older homes a catch?
October 28, 2022
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