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Annual General Meeting – Dates – Condominium Corporations

Blu print management
Publication date:
January 8, 2021
Article Summary: 

Annual General Meetings are a critical event for any corporation, as they provide stakeholders with a formal opportunity to meet with their Board of Directors, ask questions and make a difference. In light of the new changes to Alberta’s Condominium Property Regulations 168/2000 coming into effect July 1, 2019, this article will highlight the dates, triggers and requirements of holding an AGM. Notice delivery methods such as personal service, electronic notice, ordinary mail, and recorded mail are all expected to be larger in size than before. Personal service is the most effective means of delivery cost and ensuring copies are provided directly if duties are performed directly by the corporation. Electronic notice is a mandatory requirement medium for those that have requested it.

Ordinary mail is more cost effective than recorded mail, but postage costs will increase per mail due to weight. Recorded mail is a far more costly method to mass mail packages. The most important details are that notices must be provided to owners 60 days before the AGM, the Owner Agenda Items Deadline is 30 days before the AGM, the Final AGM Notice is 14 days before the AGM, and the AGM Follow-up is within 30 days following the AGM. These requirements are designed to ensure transparency for the owners and to backward-schedule compliance with when notices are to be provided.


AGM requirements, corporate meeting, AGM agenda template, condo meetings, Condominium Property Regulations 168/2000 coming into effect July 1, 2019

Source Citation: 
Blu print management
Annual General Meeting – Dates – Condominium Corporations
January 8, 2021
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