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A Note About Ticks and Lyme Disease Prevention

Lindsay Landscape
Publication date:
June 29, 2023
Article Summary: 

This note provides tips for preventing Lyme disease by avoiding contact with ticks, which are commonly found in long grasses, forests, and bushy areas. Suggestions include covering up with long clothing, using insect repellent containing DEET, staying on trails while hiking, and conducting body scans after outdoor activities. It advises on how to properly remove ticks and mentions the importance of promptly seeking medical attention if exposed. The note also emphasizes the need to check pets for ticks and mentions the availability of a vaccine for dogs. Finally, it highlights the higher risk of Lyme disease in certain areas, such as Ottawa, and encourages outdoor enjoyment with proper precautions.


Ticks, Lyme disease prevention, outdoor activities, long grasses, insect repellent, DEET, hiking trails, body scan, tick removal, symptoms, healthcare provider, pets, vaccine, Ottawa.

Source Citation: 
Lindsay Landscape
A Note About Ticks and Lyme Disease Prevention
June 29, 2023
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