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A Comprehensive Guide To New Condo Performance Audits

Criterium Jansen Engineers
Publication date:
November 29, 2022
Article Summary: 

This article discusses new condo performance audits and the standards that builders in Ontario must adhere to when constructing new homes and condominiums. The New Home Warranty Plan Act outlines the warranty that protects a new homeowner's investment, including the construction of the home, its habitability, and adherence to the Ontario Building Code. For condominiums, a condominium corporation is deemed the owner of the common elements, and warranties take effect on the date of the registration of the declaration and description. Performance audits can take place after one, two, and up to seven years, with different areas of inspection at each stage. The article emphasizes that builders and engineers are not the "bad guys" and that consulting engineering companies like Criterium Jansen Engineers specialize in a wide range of building services and have expertise in various disciplines.


new condo, performance audits, engineering, building standards, Ontario Building Code, New Home Warranty Plan Act, condominium, defects, major structural defects, Tarion, compensation.

Source Citation: 
Criterium Jansen Engineers
A Comprehensive Guide To New Condo Performance Audits
November 29, 2022
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