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7 Tips to Prevent Electrical Fires at Home

Highcourt Breckles Group
Publication date:
October 1, 2021
Article Summary: 

This article provides seven tips for preventing electrical fires in the home, including unplugging heat-producing appliances, using extension cords temporarily, not cutting off the third prong on a power cord, updating the home's electrical system, not plugging in devices with damaged power cords, following appliance instructions, and not ignoring signs of trouble. These tips can help reduce the risk of an electrical fire and ensure the safety of the home and its occupants.


electrical fires, prevention, home safety, appliances, extension cords, power cords, electrical system, signs of trouble, electrician, insurance.

Source Citation: 
Highcourt Breckles Group
7 Tips to Prevent Electrical Fires at Home
October 1, 2021
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