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7 Tips On How To Give Feedback To Peers in 2022

Ryan Stoltz
Publication date:
November 1, 2022
Article Summary: 

Peer-to-peer feedback is a great way to help employees stay engaged in their work while learning more about their strengths and areas of improvement from those who know their work best. It can provide more accurate and constructive feedback, and can help employees take ownership of their positions and performance. It can also be time-consuming, but it can be worth it to provide relevant information to employees. Peer feedback may be the future of employee performance reviews, as it can help employees do better work and feel more connected to their teammates. To give quality reviews, employees should learn about the different types of constructive feedback, prepare beforehand, and give a heads-up when giving feedback. This will ensure that the feedback conversation is productive and that the recipient is not caught.


peer to peer feedback, positive feedback, negative feedback, employee performance reviews, employee review, self-review, constructive feedback, giving constructive feedback, giving effective feedback

Source Citation: 
Ryan Stoltz
7 Tips On How To Give Feedback To Peers in 2022
November 1, 2022
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