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7 Problem-Solving Skills You Need To Improve To Get More Done

John Leo Weber
Publication date:
July 24, 2019
Article Summary: 

7 Problem-Solving Skills You Need To Improve To Get More Done

Problem-solving is essential for getting work done quickly and efficiently, and it is an ability that will impress employees when they see it on your resume and follow up with interview questions. It is important to have the skills and tools to solve problems effectively and swiftly, and the seven problem-solving skills are essential to both the experienced and new person on the job. Research is essential for doing the due diligence before embarking on executing a project, and the deeper your research, the less likely you'll have a problem. Analysis is a way to take what you know and use it to understand why something is not proceeding as it should, and it can come in many forms, such as cost benefit analysis, gap analysis or any other form that helps you identify issues before they become a problem. Analytical skills allow you to see a situation and pull from the core issue to develop effective solutions.

Creativity is being able to look at a problem from many perspectives, not just the one you're comfortable with. Brainstorming opens the discussion to more than your point of view and widens the lens to open a broader view of the landscape. Brainstorming is a great way to think creatively, but don't wait for inspiration. Instead, use creativity exercises to get into the mood and make decisions quickly. Research and analysis are important, but if you fall prey to analysis paralysis, then the problems persist. Upgrading your decision-making process is one of the fastest ways to improve problem-solving, so be aware of how and why you're making decisions.


problem solving, problem solving skills, problem-solving skills, analytical skills, analysis, research methods, business research methods, research methodologies

Source Citation: 
John Leo Weber
7 Problem-Solving Skills You Need To Improve To Get More Done
July 24, 2019
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