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7 myths about maintenance fees

Author: Staff
Publication date:
February 21, 2020
Article Summary: 

In this blog post, the author debunks seven common myths about condo maintenance fees. First, the author explains that maintenance fees are not just for building maintenance but also cover common areas and amenities. Second, the author explains that maintenance fees are not solely determined by the building's age but also by other factors such as the amenities and services provided. Third, the author debunks the myth that maintenance fees only go up and explains that sometimes they can go down. Fourth, the author explains that maintenance fees are not taxes but rather a monthly expense that is determined by the condominium corporation. Fifth, the author debunks the myth that maintenance fees are not worth paying and explains that they contribute to the overall value of the property. Sixth, the author explains that maintenance fees are not optional and must be paid by all unit owners. Finally, the author debunks the myth that maintenance fees are a hidden cost and explains that they are transparent and disclosed to buyers during the purchase process.


Condo, Maintenance Fees, Myths, Debunked, Amenities, Building Maintenance, Property Value.

Source Citation: Staff
7 myths about maintenance fees
February 21, 2020
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